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September 3, 2022

5 Factors Affecting the Price of Sliding Dragon Roller Coaster in Nigeria

Are you interested in buying a sliding dragon roller coaster in Nigeria? Do you have a particular price in mind? Are you aware of the many factors that affect the price of this ride? In this blog post, we will discuss several factors that affect the price of this roller coaster ride in Nigeria and how you should choose the right manufacturer to get the best value for your money.

How complicated is the design?

The price is obviously affected by the complications involved in the design. After all, there is no standard design for a roller coaster. It can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.

The more curves, turns and twists in a roller coaster, the more complicated the design is going to be and more complications typically result in extra cost. If you are looking for a relatively simple design, the price is obviously going to be much lower as compared to a roller coaster with extensive loops or curves. Check out to contact Beston Amusement.

small dragon roller coasterWhat is the quality of materials used?

Most roller coasters are made from high-quality steel. The quality of steel is decided by the grade of steel which ranges from average quality to extreme strength.

Obviously, steel that is extremely strong costs much more as compared to the steel of average strength. Depending on the grade and quantity of steel, the coast can be much higher than expected. Click here to know more about carousel ride:

What is the size of the roller coaster?

Obviously, the size is going to have a huge impact on the cost of a sliding dragon roller coaster for kids in Nigeria. The bigger the size, the higher cost is going to be.

What is the reputation of the manufacturer?

small roller coaster for saleThere are hundreds of designers and manufacturer of roller coasters. However, not all these companies have extensive experience in designing and operating these dangerous rides. One of the most important aspects of designing such a roller coaster is the safety of the riders. There is a lot of physics involved in the design.

A reputed manufacturer has extensive experience and is obviously known for their designs and high-quality products. Obviously, they are going to charge a premium for that brand name. You might be able to get a discount from manufacturers who are just getting started in this industry but you can’t be sure about the quality of the product as well as the design.

What is the theme of the roller coaster?

The theme obviously affects the final price of the product. Since this article is discussing the cost of a sliding dragon roller coaster, you will need to account for this particular design. If you’re to choose a different design, the price will vary as every design has its own unique requirements.


Overall, there are several factors that affect the price of a sliding dragon roller coaster in Nigeria. These factors include the complications in the design, quality of materials used for making the ride, size of the roller coaster, manufacturer’s reputation as well as the theme of the ride. It is important to focus on the overall safety and design instead of the initial price to get the best value for your money in the long run.